There is a god. Eating right and exercising enough is a daily - better yet, hourly - struggle, so I'm always looking for things that are delicious but won't completely kill a day's worth of calories in one sitting. Enter Stonyfield Oikos organic blueberry greek frozen yogurt.
I don't know who they have working over at Stonyfield, but I'd like to give them all a collective high five. This is by far the best frozen yogurt I have ever had - and it's all organic and packed with protein. I know I sound like a commercial for it, but I just can't help myself. A 1/2 cup has 100 calories and 0 grams of fat. And for those of you who are like me and aren't going to stop yourself at 1/2 a cup, that translates into 400 calories and no fat for the entire pint. Compare that to one of my all time favorites: Ben and Jerry's Phish Food, which has 280 calories and 13g of fat in a serving. The whole pint? 1,120 calories and 52g of fat.
I'm now starting to fear the day when/if they ever stop making the blueberry frozen yogurt - and in my experience, anxiety around a food no longer being available to me generally means it's pretty amazing.
I find mine at Whole Foods and Giant Eagle. Eat up!
Disclaimer so I don't get locked up: All opinions are my own.
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